SEO from me to you !

SEO optimization, or if you want to adapting websites to the requirements of search engines, professionally I engaged in for many years. SEO I perform at a high professional level with the application of own analytic and systemic tool. We have not only a variety of custom analytic applications, guaranteeing long-term results, but also applications, sledujícími development requirements of search engines !

How SEO progress?

Perform SEO analysis the current state of the site and determine the scope of work, which is necessary when you realize SEO
We remove the defects and apply the correct parameters
pravidelně zjišťujeme posun webů vůči konkurenci a provádíme potřebné korekce
po provedení SEO, on the basis of facts, Website adjust to a final state so, that the results of SEO are best
po ukončení hlavních prací se nadále aktivně podílíme na vylepšování webu a provádíme úpravy s ohledem na changing requirements of search engines, or other technical elements
we find out in advance trends Search Engines and timely respond to any changes
It is important to realize, že pakliže se SEO optimalizace neprovádí povolenou cestou, stává se dlouhodobým a rozsáhlým procesem. Please be assured, that if you choose the legal way, budou výsledky SEO později než většina klientů požaduje (1 – 3 month), ale za to bude váš web ve vyhledávačích stálý a the legal statute.
Some are mentioned procedures may differ with respect to the contents of the selected service!
the consequences of unauthorized SEO
Před touto formou SEO musíme jednoznačně varovat ! Pakliže ji požadujete, you're at the wrong address ! Důsledky takovéto formy “optimalization” may be irreparable !
Many companies use funds for visibility, which are v rozporu s obecnými pravidly vyhledávačů, which may well accelerate results, But if you conduct this search engine crawlers notice, you have bad luck ! This is probably for a long time. such“fast” výsledky jsou navíc značně nestabilní a v konečném důsledku budete jistě litovat.
carefully consider, komu SEO optimalizaci svěříte ! Damage may be irreversible !
You have to SEO optimizing ready ?
If you've read this far, Congratulations! Pravděpodobně to se SEO optimalizací think seriously. Our duty is to warn you, že SEO je mocný a pokrokový nástroj, which will probably bring a lot of new customers. It is necessary to realize it. Many of our clients several weeks after SEO began to contend with the rise in orders, which did not manage to implement. And, it is necessary to calculate !